• Foto och akvarell

Ingrid Sandberg born 1960 in Karlstad. Since 1990 living in

I am an autodidact who has worked with image creation in some form all my life.
Has for many years worked as an art director, graphic designer and

In the early eighties, textile art and drawing were the
main means of expression, but during a trip to Italy in 1990
, I discovered watercolor painting and got stuck right away. I also
often  "paint"  with the camera.
Since the late nineties and onwards, I have primarily devoted myself to
"portraying" things that are often considered ugly and uninteresting.
There is a challenge in trying to find something beautiful and exciting
in that kind of motif.

After participating in various group exhibitions, I had my first
solo exhibition in Lysekil's art gallery in 2002. It was followed by a solo
exhibition at Bohusgalleriet in Uddevalla in 2004, Galleri Villa Molander
2006, Yerba in 2008, Arvika konsthall 2010, Preemraffs konstförening
2010 , Skaftö Folkets Hus 2014, Preemraffs kontförening 2014,
Galleri Vitt Brus in Uddevalla 2014 and Lysekils stadshus 2015.

Duo exhibitions together with the sculptor Maria Vallgren: Lysekils
konsthall 2012, Galleri Konst in Karlstad 2013 and Marstrands rådhus 2013.

Easter 2015, twirling exhibition in Lysekils konsthall together with Mia Fkih
Mabrouk and Hans-Erik Petersson.

Selected exhibition exhibitions: Bohussalongen, Bohusläns museum
(judged), Höstsalongen, Värmlands museum (judged), Höstsalongen
Rackstadmuséet, Arvika (judged), Krisitnehamns konstmuseum (
judged), Summer exhibition in Karlskoga konsthalls gallersällningar
and art galleries,
Gallery Lästvik in Dalsland, Atalj Gallery in Uddevalla, Gallery KC in Gothenburg and others.
I am a member of KRO (Konstnärernas Riksorganisation), Konstnärscentrum Väst,
Värmlands konstnärsförbund, BUS and kvirr.

Upcoming solo exhibitions: Forum in Munkedal and Preemraffs konstförening
in the autumn of 2015.

Represented: Västra Götalandsregionen, Uddevalla municipality,
Lysekil Municipality, Arvika Municipality, Karlstad Municipality, Karlskoga
Municipality, Värmland County Council.

My pictures have been bought by Värmlands konstförening, Värmlands läns
landstals personnelstförening, Lysekils konstförening, konstföreningen
Artis in Munkedal, Aquarellen in Trollhättan, NÄL: konstförening, Uddevalla
sjukhus konstförening, Preemraffs konstförening, Veritas konstförening i Oslo,
Mets kunstförening i  Oslo  .

In 2002, I had the pleasure of being awarded the Lysekil municipality's
cultural scholarship.

Portfolio: www.insan.fotosidan.se

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