• Måleri och teckning

Niklas J Brandow  
Selabacken 8
686 95 Västra Ämtervik

073-723 54 94

Works primarily with abstract intuitivism and non-figurative landscapes, primarily in acrylic and pencil, on canvas and paper.

Is more interested in what life, reality, man and love are (as timeless phenomena) than the contemporary debate and the latest. Has also published a book entitled 'Life - A more fruitful perspective', which can be purchased via Bokus.


1995 Nationalmuseum's Unga Tecknare '
1999 Graphic exhibition' Getfotsfondens scholarship holder ', Gallery H, Stockholm
2000 Group exhibition, Graphic in the West, Gothenburg
2000 Collective
exhibition ' Drawing art ', Södertälje Art Gallery 2000 Separate exhibition - painting, Gallery H, Stockholm Gallery
Separate exhibition , Gothenburg
2005 Collective exhibition, Logen, Västra Ämtervik
2006 Jurated Collective Exhibition, Galleri Slottet, Sunne
2007 Art on the ice, installation, Mariebergsviken, Karlstad
2007 Group exhibition, Konstrfrämjandet, Karlstad
2008 Exhibition 'Nordische Zeicehn', Noderstedt - Hamburg
2009 Exhibition 'Paper make's dance' , Grenå
2010 Grupputsällningen 'Upp till kamp', Hamnmagasinet, Arvika
2013 Övre Frykens Konstrunda -06, -07, -08, -09, -11, -12, - 13
2014 The exhibition 'Getfotsfondens stipediater', Graphic Society, Stockholm
2015 Autumn salons, Värmlands Konstförening -07, -08, -09, -12, -14, -15, -17
2018 Separate exhibition - painting, Gallery Folklore, Karlstad